
People of STATE: 荣誉校友

People of STATE: Gage Fraser盖奇·弗雷泽,23年

国家人民•  May 19, 2023  •  Electronics Engineering Technology

"When Gage Fraser was applying to colleges during his senior year of high school, Indiana State was his top choice. Apart from the hands-on learning, student organizations, close proximity to his hometown of Marshall, 伊利诺斯州, and professors who would care about his success, 弗雷泽有另一个, very personal reason for pursuing an education at Indiana State. His parents and grandfather are Sycamores, too." 阅读更多

People of STATE: Kimmie Collins

Kimmie Collins, '22

国家人民•  December 15, 2022  •  Marketing

研究生吉米·柯林斯在一本新的儿童读物中鼓励年轻读者了解大学和澳门合法赌场官网, "Sam Becomes a Sycamore." With the help of reading and Indiana State's mascot, children begin their college journey." 阅读更多

People of STATE: Bethany Baker

Bethany Baker, '10

国家人民•  July 29, 2021  •  BFA - Photography

“伯大尼贝克, '10, discusses how Indiana State helped prepare her for a career as an accomplished photojournalist and videographer." 阅读更多

People of STATE: Eryn Jenkins


国家人民•  June 21, 2021  •  English

"There may only be 24 hours in a day, but Eryn Jenkins (’21) manages to squeeze in as much as she possibly can. During her time at Indiana State University, the 2021 graduate was rarely idle. 除了她的课程和工作作为自由撰稿人印第安纳州政治家和学生娱乐中心的校内体育裁判, Jenkins held leadership roles in several campus organizations." 阅读更多

People of State: Katie Lugar凯蒂·卢格,15岁

国家人民•  April 22, 2021  •  Social Work

"Katie Lugar’s, ’15, GR’16, involvement with Indiana State University began at birth. As the daughter of an ISU social work professor, Lugar attended the Bayh 大学 of Education’s Early Childhood Education Center from infancy until age 5. 'I could learn, thrive, and explore in a safe environment. I loved my time there, and the staff and students helped me grow,卢格说, who has served as the 荣誉学院 Assistant Director of Student Programming and Leadership since 2018. 在高中的时候, I participated in the ISU Summer 荣誉 Program for three summers. I hadn’t decided on my career path yet, 但沉浸式的大学经历帮助我建立了人际关系,并意识到我想从事社会工作,因为这个领域的道德准则与我的一致.' When Lugar enrolled as a freshman, she joined the social work program, the nonprofit leadership program, and the 荣誉 Program (now 荣誉学院) as a University 荣誉 Scholar." 阅读更多

People of State: Mariah Wright-Doran

Mariah Wright-Doran, '16

国家人民•  March 23, 2021  •  Construction Management

"When Mariah’s interest in construction management developed in high school, she knew she was molding her own career path but never imagined her siblings would follow her lead. 'I looked at architecture programs in high school, but I don’t have a designer mindset. I have a builder mindset, which made construction management a good fit,' Mariah said. 在高中的时候, 我在密歇根州立大学建筑管理学院实习,他鼓励我跟随他的道路, so Indiana State’s where I decided to go when I was applying for colleges and got the President’s Scholarship.'" 阅读更多

Regina Atkins, 2010年

国家人民•  February 3, 2021  •  Communication

"It is no surprise that Regina Atkins, ’10 – the daughter of two Indiana State University alumni – became a Sycamore. But 10 years after graduating with a degree in communication, 作为学生服务副主任,阿特金斯继续与未来的学生分享她对州立大学的热爱." 阅读更多

People of State: Allison Crick


国家人民•  December 16, 2020  •  Marketing & 会计

艾莉森正在顺利地成为两届梧树校友,她正在反思她在州立大学生涯中帮助她实现目标的亮点." 阅读更多

Darci Chambers, '20

国家人民•  September 17, 2020  •  Interior Architecture Design

"Think interior designers deal only paint colors and throw pillows? 事实并非如此! Just ask Indiana State graduate Darci about her progression through State’s interior design program. By the end of her four years, Darci was focused on designing safe, functional spaces for the occupants, 她甚至把建筑管理作为第二学位,这样她就能更好地理解建筑是如何建造的, 因此, create better spaces." 阅读更多

People of State: Courtney Natt

Courtney Natt, '18

国家人民•  May 19, 2020  •  Biology

“考特尼奈特, Physician Assistant Master’s Program student, 2021届毕业生, reflects on her clinical rotation experience." 阅读更多

People of State: Shannon Anderson

Shannon Anderson, '17

国家人民•  May 8, 2020  •  Operations and Supply Chain Management

"St. 查尔斯,生病了., native Shannon Anderson, ’17, 从澳门合法赌场官网(Indiana State University)获得运营和供应链管理学士学位,辅修法语后,他找到了一份供应链分析师的工作. What more could she ask for, you ask? 也许是有机会实现她在大学四年级时形成的一个想法,这个想法会让她一路去波士顿, 质量., where she is now co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at smileML, 该公司通过将视频转化为各种应用的可操作情报,创造更好的体验和更安全的社区." 阅读更多


国家人民•  April 15, 2020  •  Marketing

“凯尔西达林, ’17, 仍然受益于她在学生时代建立的校园关系,这使她扎根于母校. 作为一名学生, Darin found a mentor in Indiana State University economics Professor Bob Guell, 他们的帮助超越了课堂,帮助她找到了自己的激情,并获得了麦格劳-希尔公司产品开发人员的职位. Darin now spends her days serving as the liaison between the authors, 编辑团队和制作团队——由于她在州立大学学习期间积累的教育和领导机会,她在上任的第一天就完全有能力处理所有这些任务." 阅读更多

Kayla Dunagan, '18

国家人民•  March 26, 2020  •  Nursing

凯拉·杜纳根(Kayla Dunagan)在澳门合法赌场官网(Indiana State University)读大四时,曾犹豫是否要去印第安纳波利斯的莱利儿童医院(Riley Children’s Hospital)的新生儿重症监护室实习. Encouragement she received from her professors pushed her to pursue the opportunity, which led to her career as nurse in the NICU right after graduation." 阅读更多


国家人民•  August 15, 2019  •  Chemistry

"Teri Stockham grew up in the era before true crime shows were mainstream, but her love for Nancy Drew books and mystery stories made for a natural interest in forensic science. 幸运的是, 她的父亲不仅培养了她的兴趣,还帮助她与澳门合法赌场官网及其法医化学澳门合法赌场官网建立了联系. 斯托克汉姆在布劳沃德县担任首席毒理学家六年之后,于1997年开始了自己的咨询业务, which allows her to serve as an expert witness and full-time consultant doing military court martials, civil and criminal cases. 斯托克汉姆并不认为她卓有成效的职业生涯是理所当然的,她现在是西卡莫尔的榜样,也是澳门合法赌场官网学士学位能为学生提供的榜样." 阅读更多

People of State: Ben Baumgart


国家人民•  July 25, 2019  •  Computer Engineering Technology

鲍姆加特认为,州立大学的计算机工程课程帮助他选择了职业方向, as it got him involved with the 大学 of Technology Student Leadership Council, 一个组织,让参与的成员有机会建立领导技能,同时为学院提供咨询服务." 阅读更多

People of State: Rachael SchulteRachael Schulte, '08

国家人民•  June 17, 2019  •  Chemistry

"I love being a physician, 儿科血液学/肿瘤学领域让我有机会进入一个不断挑战我智力的领域,同时在个人层面上也非常充实, as I feel I am truly making a difference every day in the lives of my patients and their families." 阅读更多

People of State: Morgan Chaney摩根·钱尼,17年

国家人民•  May 1, 2019  •  Biology

"For graduate student Morgan Chaney, BLUE provides equal opportunities to students that have the initiative, drive and ambition to turn their ideas into something more. 切尼选择澳门合法赌场官网是因为它提供的经验和机会比任何一所大型大学都更能让她做好准备." 阅读更多

People of State: Samantha Ripperger

Samantha Ripperger, '18

国家人民•  April 30, 2019  •  Textiles, Apparel, and Merchandising

澳门合法赌场官网的校友萨曼莎·里珀格用她对时尚的热情在获奖杂志《澳门赌场玩法官网》找到了一份工作. Ripperger majored in textiles, apparel, and merchandising and uses fashion as a form of expression." 阅读更多


国家人民•  March 18, 2019  •  Operations and Supply Chain Management

"Kyle Varble is a 2017 Indiana State graduate, currently working at Rolls Royce as a Strategic Buyer for Defense – Naval Marine. He is responsible for preparing, planning, issuing and controlling purchasing orders. 在State variable,他是网络澳门合法赌场官网发展计划的一部分,在那里他获得了在欧洲留学的国际经验, and professional development with weekly seminars, 网络, interviewing and much more. Take a look at the journey that helped Varble bridge the gap between college and his professional career." 阅读更多


国家人民•  March 14, 2019  •  Communication

贝丝Mauder, ’18, 被要求为ESPN 3跟踪一场比赛,因为有人没有出现,然后类似的事件导致她打电话给排球比赛. 从那时起,莫德的机会激增,她开始为更多的比赛打电话,并作为ESPN 3台的州立体育赛事主持人参与其中. 当她在路易斯维尔的CBS互动公司实习时,他们给了她一个职位,并告诉她得到这份工作的原因是因为她在州立大学本科期间获得了实践经验." 阅读更多

Michaela Rausch, '18

国家人民•  March 14, 2019  •  Communication & Criminology and Criminal Justice

Michaela Rausch完成了通信和犯罪学的双学位,目标是进入执法部门. 在澳门合法赌场官网期间,劳施决定申请成为印第安纳州立警察局的一名社区服务官员, as an extra set of eyes for the officers, providing escort and security for different events. 劳施还在内伯维尔警察局实习,获得了不同的经验,比如乘车, 调查, firearms training and much more. Her time with the department paid off as they offered her a position as an officer." 阅读更多

Devyn Mikell, 17岁

国家人民•  January 7, 2019  •  Operations and Supply Chain Management

"Devyn Mikell and DeSean Prentice are State alumni and the co-founders of the late-night food truck, 扭曲的炒. 扭曲的炒的创建是为了防止学生们在镇上外出过夜后酒后驾车去买食物. Prentice handles the marketing and finance and Mikell is the director of operations." 阅读更多


国家人民•  September 26, 2018  •  Biology

“玛丽莎Korody, 科学家, 莎拉·福特, 研究助理, work under the umbrella of the Northern White Rhino initiative, at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, where they are working to save the Northern White Rhino from extinction. The two met while Korody was getting her Ph.D. at State and helping train Ford who was a student worker in the genome lab. 是他们的一位教授激励了科洛迪,让她在那里休完假后想要在研究实验室工作. Hear about how they networked and took advantage of the resources State has to offer, to land their dream jobs." 阅读更多